

Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams are all I have of you,
They're all you left behind,
Those cherished, lovely memories,
Never again to find.

On earth you were so wonderful,
No child could I compare
To all the love you gave to me,
You were so meek, so rare.

Sweet dreams, they keep me going
Through the long and lonely night;
How I wish that I could hug you
And squeeze you oh, so tight!

If I could walk to heaven, dear,
To see you every day,
Just know I'd never want to leave,
I know I'd long to stay.

We parted here on earth, my child,
But God's will shall be done;
Then dreams will be reality
For then we will be one.

I love you for eternity,
Forever and some more,
Because you were the sweetest child,
The kindest and most pure.

If Heaven's full of Angels,
Like you were here on earth,
I thank the Lord for lending you,
For giving me your birth.

One day, my child, I'll see you there,
So please look out for me;
You'll see my smile so wide before
You see my spirit free.

God takes the sweetest Angels first,
This we know is true,
For He came here and looked around,
And, darling, He chose you!

~Author Unknown~



I found this on the back of the card we had
made in memory of Elizabeth:

We hold you close within our hearts,
And there you shall remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives,
Until we meet again.

So rest in peace, Dear loved one,
And thanks for all you've done,
We pray that God has given you,
The crown you've truly won.


These are from my brother Mark, Elizabeth's godfather:

Dear Elizabeth,
In this world I was yours;
In your world I'm still yours;
When you call for me,
I will again be yours.

Your Mark 2000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The heart is heavy,
And the shoulders now sag;
My soul is no longer merry
And life begins to drag.

As I now have no star by which to steer,
The future is no longer clear;
But you will call when the time is right,
And once again my life will be bright.

Your Mark 2000


Here are some things her friends wrote on her 15th brithday:

Miss you loads!

Miss you! I hope you find peace where you are now;
Maybe gone for now, but never forgotten,
still our friend.

I miss you so much! Hope you're having a great time
and have made new friends.

Missin u babe! I hope you're having fun
and happinees wherever you are.

To Lizzy, we all miss you and
find life hard without you. I hope you
are in heaven now, looking down on us.

I love you, Lizzie,
I miss you, and promise I'll never forget you.
All my love, hugs, and kisses, too.

Everyone's friend!
Lizzie, it's not the end;
I'll see you again, Zany friend.

Always in my heart because you're so special!
Everyone loves her,
that special friend!
Her memory lives in our hearts.

Dear Lizzie,
Elizabeth was a great girl,
and will always in our minds.

I remember the time when I needed a pencil,
so I went up to Elizabeth and asked her
if i could borrow one of her penicls.
Of course, as the nice lady that she was, she lent me one.
After the lesson, for one reason or another,
I forgot to give it back
and to this day I still have the pencil.



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Page Design and Some Graphics by Saralyn, Robbie's Mom

Lovingly Made for Elizabeth, Chris, and Richard
January 2010

Top Animated Graphic made by Susie Dunn, Jason's Mom